Accompagner les citoyens dans l’acquisition d’une culture numérique : le rôle des bibliothèques de lecture publique dans la formation au numérique


“Ce mémoire étudie l’opportunité pour les bibliothèques d’aider les citoyens à améliorer leur culture numérique. Depuis les années 1990, les politiques publiques se sont appliquées, en France, à donner accès à tous aux technologies numériques, sur la base de théories aujourd’hui remises en cause comme la « fracture numérique » ou les « natifs du numérique ». Les premières institutions à avoir proposé une formation, non seulement aux usages de base des principaux logiciels, mais également à des compétences numériques et à une réflexion critique, ont été les Espaces Publics Numériques (EPN). Bien que ce label puisse s’appliquer à des bibliothèques, la plupart d’entre elles commencent seulement à s’emparer de cette mission. Savoir s’il s’agit d’une mission prioritaire – et donc, quelles ressources peuvent y être affectées –, quelles sont leurs forces et faiblesses, quels partenariats elles peuvent et devraient développer, etc., nécessite encore une réflexion coordonnée au niveau national, mais également à l’échelle des territoires.”


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Persistent, Global Identity for Scientists via ORCID


“Scientists have an inherent interest in claiming their contributions to the scholarly record, but the fragmented state of identity management across the landscape of astronomy, physics, and other fields makes highlighting the contributions of any single individual a formidable and often frustratingly complex task. The problem is exacerbated by the expanding variety of academic research products and the growing footprints of large collaborations and interdisciplinary teams. In this essay, we outline the benefits of a unique scholarly identifier with persistent value on a global scale and we review astronomy and physics engagement with the Open Researcher and Contributor iD (ORCID) service as a solution.”


The Future of Reading and Academic Libraries


“The e-book is raising fundamental questions around the dynamics and habits of reading; the role of books in the academic library; and the role of librarians in addressing new realities of reading and learning. Print and digital texts foster different styles of reading and different ways of thinking and doing research. This paper examines implications of the shift from print to digital reading and how academic libraries in particular should respond. Academic libraries should treat print and electronic books as complementary, not interchangeable, and commit themselves to maintaining hybrid collections that support the full range of learning and research styles.”


Measuring the qualitative evidence to demonstrate the Value of Usage Data Report for Consortia based E-Subscriptions: the basis for Stakeholders


“In consortia business, the value proposition of consortia often focuses on the benefits of their stakeholder (including Library, Librarian, Publisher, Vendors and Intermediaries) that they received in return on their investment for e-subscriptions. This article takes a close look at usage statistics and assesses its role in effective measurement of various concerns of consortium. The paper also discusses about usage data reports to formulate uniform metrics for monitoring the continuous improvement in utilizing of various subscribed e-resources to give justice to investment portfolios, benchmark the standard of e-resources, cost effective utilization of e-resources and track user behavior and preferences for e-resources use.”


Stories and Statistics from Library-led Publishing


“Library-led publishing is one of the new approaches to journal publishing and open access that has grown tremendously in the last few years. A 2010 MLIS-funded survey found that 55% of respondents—from U.S. academic libraries of all different types and sizes—were already implementing or developing a publishing program. Library-led publishing has garnered such momentum because, by offering low- or no-cost publishing to university scholars, it addresses needs that traditional publishing has not been able to meet. This article presents a series of small case studies to illustrate different journals that have benefited from the library-publishing model: a journal that struggled to find an affordable publisher in its emerging field; a small society journal that could no longer afford to support itself in print; society publications that go beyond the traditional journal format; a student journal with a revolving editorial board.”


Peer review: still king in the digital age


“The article presents one of the main findings of an international study of 4,000 academic researchers that examined how trustworthiness is determined in the digital environment when it comes to scholarly reading, citing, and publishing. The study shows that peer review is still the most trustworthy characteristic of all. There is, though, a common perception that open access journals are not peer reviewed or do not have proper peer-review systems. Researchers appear to have moved inexorably from a print-based system to a digital system, but it has not significantly changed the way they decide what to trust. They do not trust social media. Only a minority – although significantly mostly young and early career researchers – thought that social media are anything other than more appropriate to personal interactions and peripheral to their professional/academic lives. There are other significant differences, according to the age of the researcher. Thus, in regard to choosing an outlet for publication of their work, young researchers are much less concerned with the fact that it is peer reviewed.”


How scholars implement trust in their reading, citing and publishing activities: Geographical differences


“In an increasingly digital environment, many factors influence how academic researchers decide what to read, what to cite, where to publish their work, and how they assign trust when making these decisions. This study focuses on how this differs according to the geographical location of the researcher, specifically in terms of the country’s level of development. Data were collected by a questionnaire survey of 3650 authors who had published articles in international journals. The human development index (HDI) was used to compare authors’ scholarly behavior. The findings show that researchers from less developed countries such as India and China (medium HDI) compared to those in developed countries, such as the USA and UK (very high HDI) are more reliant on external factors and those criteria that are related to authority, brand and reputation, such as authors’ names, affiliation, country and journal name. Even when deciding where to publish, the publisher of the journal is more important for developing countries than it is for researchers from the US and UK. Scholars from high HDI countries also differ in these aspects: a) they are less discriminatory than authors from developing countries in their citation practices; b) for them the fact that a source is peer reviewed is the most important factor when deciding where to publish; c) they are more negative towards the use of repositories and social media for publishing and more skeptical about their potential for increasing usage or reaching a wider audience.”