Internet Research Ethics


“This anthology addresses ethical challenges that arise within the field of Internet research. Among the issues discussed in the book are the following:

  • When is voluntary informed consent from research subjects required in using the Internet as a data source?
  • How may researchers secure the privacy of research subjects in a landscape where the traditional public/private distinction is blurred and re-identification is a recurring threat?
  • What are the central ethical and legal aspects of Internet research for individuals, groups, and society?

The book is written in cooperation with The Norwegian National Research Ethics Committees. The Commitees are independent public agencies providing guidelines and addressing questions regarding research ethics in all subject fields.”


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The Open Access Advantage Considering Citation, Article Usage and Social Media Attention


“In this study, we compare the difference in the impact between open access (OA) and non-open access (non-OA) articles. 1761 Nature Communications articles published from 1 Jan. 2012 to 31 Aug. 2013 are selected as our research objects, including 587 OA articles and 1174 non-OA articles. Citation data and daily updated article-level metrics data are harvested directly from the platform of Data is analyzed from the static versus temporal-dynamic perspectives. The OA citation advantage is confirmed, and the OA advantage is also applicable when extending the comparing from citation to article views and social media attention. More important, we find that OA papers not only have the great advantage of total downloads, but also have the feature of keeping sustained and steady downloads for a long time. For article downloads, non-OA papers only have a short period of attention, when the advantage of OA papers exists for a much longer time.”


Data Science as a New Frontier for Design


“The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the challenge of transferring know-how, theories and methods from design research to the design processes in information science and technologies. More specifically, we shall consider a domain, namely data-science, that is becoming rapidly a globally invested research and development axis with strong imperatives for innovation given the data deluge we are currently facing. We argue that, in order to rise to the data-related challenges that the society is facing, data-science initiatives should ensure a renewal of traditional research methodologies that are still largely based on trial-error processes depending on the talent and insights of a single (or a restricted group of) researchers. It is our claim that design theories and methods can provide, at least to some extent, the much-needed framework. We will use a worldwide data-science challenge organized to study a technical problem in physics, namely the detection of Higgs boson, as a use case to demonstrate some of the ways in which design theory and methods can help in analyzing and shaping the innovation dynamics in such projects.”


Online-consultation “scientific publication system”: documentation and main results


“This short report provides a description of an online-consultation on the scientific publication system. German-speaking scientists from all disciplines were invited to articulate their perspectives on principles and current problems in scientific publishing in the dialogical procedure. 697 participants addressed their opinion in two areas of consultation (a) Consultation area “evaluate principles”: the goal in this section was to find out whether there is a general consensus throughout academia of what constitutes a good publication system. For this purpose, principles of a good scientific publication system could be commented on and evaluated with positive or negative votes. (b) Consultation area “name problems”: this section aimed at obtaining the perspective of the participants on current challenges and problems of the publication system. The contributions of the participants focus on eight topics: (1) printed vs. digital publication, (2) business models of large publishing houses, (3) open access, (4) publication-based performance indicators, (5) authorship, (6) peer review, (7) publication bias, and (8) research data.”

URL : Online-consultation “scientific publication system”: documentation and main results


The Tao of Open Science for Ecology


“The field of ecology is poised to take advantage of emerging technologies that facilitate the gathering, analyzing, and sharing of data, methods, and results. The concept of transparency at all stages of the research process, coupled with free and open access to data, code, and papers, constitutes “open science.” Despite the many benefits of an open approach to science, a number of barriers to entry exist that may prevent researchers from embracing openness in their own work. Here we describe several key shifts in mindset that underpin the transition to more open science. These shifts in mindset include thinking about data stewardship rather than data ownership, embracing transparency throughout the data life-cycle and project duration, and accepting critique in public. Though foreign and perhaps frightening at first, these changes in thinking stand to benefit the field of ecology by fostering collegiality and broadening access to data and findings. We present an overview of tools and best practices that can enable these shifts in mindset at each stage of the research process, including tools to support data management planning and reproducible analyses, strategies for soliciting constructive feedback throughout the research process, and methods of broadening access to final research products.”

URL : The Tao of Open Science for Ecology


The Past, Present, and Future of Demand Driven Acquisitions in Academic Libraries


“Demand-driven acquisitions (DDA) programs have become a well-established approach toward integrating user involvement in the process of building academic library collections. However, these programs are in a constant state of evolution. A recent iteration in this evolution of ebook availability is the advent of large ebook collections whose contents libraries can lease, but not own only if they choose to do so. This study includes an investigation of patron usage and librarian ebook selection by comparing call number data generated by usage of three entities: (1) an ebrary PDA; (2) Academic Complete, which is a leased collection of ebooks; and (3) subject librarian selections based on the YPB approval plan at Iowa State University. The context is provided through a description of the development and evolution of demand driven acquisitions programs with an analysis of where libraries have been and where they are going with enhancing the collection development in academic libraries.”