URL : http://www.precisement.org/blog/Droit-a-l-oubli-numerique-ou-en.html
Liste de tous les billets publiés sur Pr…
Liste de tous les billets publiés sur Precisement.org sur l’Administration et la Justice en ligne
L’e-Administration et l’e-Justice avancent (lentement) : http://www.precisement.org/blog/L-e-Administration-et-l-e-Justice.html
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The fine art of procrastination :
The Lisbon Strategy failed to meet its economic, social and environmental targets. Today Europe is still growing at a low pace. Employment has grown slightly, but at the cost of a increasing number of ‘working poors’, especially among youth and migrants. And the promised ‘green revolution’ of the production system is still a dream.
The EU2020 is so far a repackaged version of the Lisbon Strategy with no significant improvement on its major flaw. Without a serious review of the proposed institutional setting, the most efficient way to implement it is to throw it directly into the recycling bin.
URL : http://www.taurillon.org/The-fine-art-of-procrastination
Ci-joint, la communication “EUROPE 2020 : Une stratégie pour une croissance intelligente, durable et inclusive”.
COMPLET FR BARROSO – Europe 2020 – FR version
Tiki Announces 3.5 and 4.2 Releases http…
Tiki Announces 3.5 and 4.2 Releases http://info.tikiwiki.org/article86-Tiki-Announces-3-5-and-4-2-Releases
12 Major Trends in Library Design : http…
12 Major Trends in Library Design : http://www.bdcnetwork.com/article/440251-12_Major_Trends_in_Library_Design-full.php
Working Group on Open Bibliographic Data…
Working Group on Open Bibliographic Data :
Purpose :
1) Act as a central point of reference and support for people interested in open bibliographic data
2) Identify relevant projects and practices. Promote best practices as well as legal and technical standards for making data open (such as the Open Knowledge Definition).
3) Act as a hub for the development and maintenance of low cost, community driven projects related to open bibliographic data.
URL : http://wiki.okfn.org/wg/bibliography