Author Identifiers in Scholarly Reposito…

Author Identifiers in Scholarly Repositories :
Bibliometric and usage-based analyses and tools highlight the value of information about scholarship contained within the network of authors, articles and usage data. Less progress has been made on populating and using the author side of this network than the article side, in part because of the difficulty of unambiguously identifying authors. I briefly review a sample of author identifier schemes, and consider use in scholarly repositories. I then describe preliminary work at arXiv to implement public author identifiers, services based on them, and plans to make this information useful beyond the boundaries of arXiv.

Comparing Repository Types – Challenges …

Comparing Repository Types – Challenges and barriers for subject-based repositories, research repositories, national repository systems and institutional repositories in serving scholarly communication :
After two decades of repository development, some conclusions may be drawn as to which type of repository and what kind of service best supports digital scholarly communication, and thus the production of new knowledge. Four types of publication repository may be distinguished, namely the subject-based repository, research repository, national repository system and institutional repository. Two important shifts in the role of repositories may be noted. With regard to content, a well-defined and high quality corpus is essential. This implies that repository services are likely to be most successful when constructed with the user and reader uppermost in mind. With regard to service, high value to specific scholarly communities is essential. This implies that repositories are likely to be most useful to scholars when they offer dedicated services supporting the production of new knowledge. Along these lines, challenges and barriers to repository development may be identified in three key dimensions: a) identification and deposit of content; b) access and use of services; and c) preservation of content and sustainability of service. An indicative comparison of challenges and barriers in some major world regions such as Europe, North America and East Asia plus Australia is offered in conclusion.

Economic Implications of Alternative Pub…

Economic Implications of Alternative Publishing Models: Self-archiving and Repositories :
A knowledge economy has been defined as one in which the generation and exploitation of knowledge has come to play the predominant part in the creation of wealth. It is not simply about pushing back the frontiers of knowledge; it is also about the more effective use and exploitation of all types of knowledge in all manner of economic activities. One key question is whether there are new opportunities and new models for scholarly publishing that might better serve researchers and more effectively communicate and disseminate research findings.
Building on previous work, this paper looks at the costs and potential benefits of alternative models for scientific and scholarly publishing, describing the approach and methods used and summarising the findings of a study undertaken for JISC in the United Kingdom. It concludes that different publishing models can make a material difference to the costs faced by and benefits realised from research communication, and it seems likely that more open access would have substantial net benefits.

Archivage pérenne des fichiers stockés d…

Archivage pérenne des fichiers stockés dans l’archive ouverte HAL :
A partir du 29 mars 2010 l’archivage pérenne des fichiers déposés dans l’archive ouverte HAL est effectué auprès de notre partenaire le CINES(Centre Informatique National de l’Enseignement Supérieur).
Chaque fichier principal du dépôt est copié sur le système d’archivage du CINES – les fichiers contenus en annexe ne sont pas concernés par cette nouvelle fonctionnalité.
Les 140000 dépôts déjà présents sur HAL seront progressivement traités. Les nouveaux dépôts sont envoyés au CINES 3 mois après leur mise en ligne. Un test de validité du fichier pdf est maintenant effectué et une demande de modification est envoyée au contributeur pour qu’il puisse modifier son dépôt en tenant compte des contraintes d’archivage.


Schéma numérique des bibliothèques : Ce …

Schéma numérique des bibliothèques :
Ce rapport, dont le principe avait été envisagé dans le rapport « Livre 2010 » de Mme Sophie Barluet ( et validé dans le cadre du Plan gouvernemental « France numérique 2012 », a été confié par le Ministre de la culture et de la communication à M. Bruno Racine. Il dresse un premier état des lieux des collections, services et usages numériques en bibliothèque, met en évidence l’intérêt une collaboration entre les ministères concernés (Culture et Communication, Éducation Nationale, Enseignement Supérieur, Affaires Étrangères) et les collectivités territoriales pour l’adaptation des bibliothèques publiques aux nouveaux usages numériques. et identifie les partenariats public-privé possibles en la matière. Il s’appuie sur quatre rapports intermédiaires rédigés par des groupes de travail consacrés à quatre thèmes spécifiques : la numérisation, les acquisitions, la conservation, l’évaluation et formule 11 recommandations principales visant à accélérer le développement numérique des bibliothèques françaises.

An Approach to Open Access Author Paymen…

An Approach to Open Access Author Payment :
There have been hundreds of articles in recent years exhorting the strengths and warning of the weaknesses of Open Access through author payment. This article discusses a few of the favorable and unfavorable issues and proposes an approach that takes advantage of the favorable aspects and overcomes some of the unfavorable ones. It requires extensive government support, which may or may not be feasible, but the approach is presented here nevertheless. Some evidence is given for the potential savings that would be achieved by scientists, publishers and libraries in the US.