TVA de 19.6% sur les ressources électroniques : jusqu’à quand ? :
Des pressions se font jour de toutes parts, tant du côté du monde de l’édition que du monde universitaire ou de la sphère politique, pour demander une modification du taux de TVA appliqué aux ressources électroniques. S’il est vrai que les débats se focalisent pour l’heure sur le cas du livre numérique, il n’en reste pas moins que la taxation à 19.6% touche tous les types de ressources électroniques, des périodiques électroniques aux bases de données en passant par les logiciels. Il existe cependant un outil très méconnu des établissements publics universitaires qui leur permet de conjurer partiellement la TVA : il s’agit du cas des acquisitions de ressources électroniques entrant dans la catégorie fiscale des dépenses mixtes.
Open Source Observatory and Repository (…
Open Source Observatory and Repository (OSOR) :
The OSOR project has implemented a repository and collaborative development environment, or forge, targeting specifically European public sector organizations. To ensure effective collaboration among Public Administrations across multiple Member States, the project is also providing an information point that includes guidelines, news and case studies related to open source. The platform has been designed in
such a way that it can be integrated with other services/solutions such as repositories that exist at a national level.
Technical, business and legal support for the collaboration of administrations using open source software are provided through the OSOR. Furthermore, guidelines and recommendations are also published which help public administrations create, set up and maintain their own regional repository based on the platform.
The Future of Research and the Research …
The Future of Research and the Research Library :
A Report to DEFF Denmark’s Electronic Research Library (December 2009)
A Survey of the Scholarly Journals Using…
A Survey of the Scholarly Journals Using Open Journal Systems :
A survey of 998 scholarly journals that use Open Journal Systems (OJS), an open source
journal software platform, captures the characteristics of an emerging class of scholarpublisher
open access journals (with some representation from more traditional scholarly
society and print-based titles). The journals in the sample follow traditional norms for peerreviewing,
acceptance rates, and disciplinary focus, but are distinguished by the number that
offer open access to their content, the growth rates in new titles, the participation rates from
developing countries, and the extremely low operating budgets. The survey also documents
the limited degree to which open source software can alter a field of communication, as OJS
appears to have created a third path, dedicated to maximizing access to research and
scholarship, as an alternative to traditional scholarly society and commercial publishing
Open Access in Italy : The report descri…
Open Access in Italy :
The report describes the state of the art of Open Access in Italy, offering an overview on institutional and disciplinary based repositories, repository contents, and OA mandates. Moreover, the report describes the major projects provided by two Italian supercomputing consortia (such as PLEIADI and SURPlus). The authors of the report then reflect upon the future of Open Access in Italy, concluding that without a national funded planning strategy voluntary initiatives are somewhat uncertain.
Using the Institutional Repository to pu…
Using the Institutional Repository to publish research data :
For open research data to be fully utilised it must be discoverable. Many types of research dataset are impossible to identify by looking at them so metadata is essential. This is the only major issue
with using existing Institutional Repositories to preserve and disseminate data. This paper suggests a simple scheme for facilitating discovery and reuse of open scientic data.
European Copyright Code : The European C…
European Copyright Code :
The European Copyright Code is the result of the Wittem Project that was established in 2002 as a collaboration between copyright scholars across the European Union concerned with the future development of European copyright law. […]
The aim of the Wittem Project and this Code is to promote transparency and consistency in European copyright law. The members of the Wittem Group share a concern that the process of copyright law making at the European level lacks transparency and that the voice of academia all too often remains unheard. The Group believes that a European Copyright Code drafted by legal scholars might serve as a model or reference tool for future harmonization or unification of copyright at the European level. Nevertheless, the Group does not take a position on the desirability as such of introducing a unified European legal framework.[…]
This Code is not a recodification of EU copyright law tabula rasa. Since European copyright law must operate within the confines of the international commitments of the European Union and its Member States, the Code takes account of the substantive norms of the Berne Convention and the TRIPs Agreement. Also, the members of the Group have found it hard to ignore the aqcuis communautaire in the form of seven Directives that the European legislature has produced in this field since 1991. However, the Code does on occasion deviate from the acquis, and therefore cannot be considered a mere restatement or consolidation of the norms of the directives. […]