Open Access Publishing with Drupal In January…

Open Access Publishing with Drupal :

“In January 2009, the Colorado Association of Libraries (CAL) suspended publication of its print quarterly journal, Colorado Libraries, as a cost-saving measure in a time of fiscal uncertainty. Printing and mailing the journal to its 1300 members cost CAL more than $26,000 per year. Publication of the journal was placed on an indefinite hiatus until the editorial staff proposed an online, open access format a year later. The benefits to migrating to open access included: significantly lower costs; a green platform; instant availability of content; a greater level of access to users with disabilities; and a higher level of visibility of the journal and the association. The editorial staff chose Drupal, including the E-journal module, and while Drupal is notorious for its steep learning curve—which exacerbated delays to content that had been created before the publishing hiatus—the fourth electronic issue was published recently at This article will discuss both the benefits and challenges of transitioning to an open access model and the choice Drupal as a platform over other more established journal software options.”


A case study in openness Salford University …

A case study in openness: Salford University :

“A case study in institutional openness has just been published, focused on Salford University. Written by the Vice Chancellor and EOS Board member, Professor Martin Hall, the study describes the drive to openness and the benefits it brings to the University and its public. “The University aims to create economic and social value through innovative ways of working together. A key element of this is openness”, says Professor Hall.

In the paper, he develops the concept of a ‘Generic Open Access University’ and describes how the univeristy repository, USIR, is the core of intermediary agencies and a wide range of networked connections. “The open access repository is at the heart of this model, in the place that the library has occupied from the earliest days of the university”, Professor Hall says.”


Knowledge without Borders : GEANT 2020 as the European Communications Commons

The GÉANT Expert Group’s report on the 2020 Vision for European Research and Education Networking was delivered today to Neelie Kroes, European Commission Vice-President for the Digital Agenda. The report presents the experts’ views on the future of the pan-European research and education network GÉANT. It makes specific recommendations to policy makers, funding bodies and the research and education networks community for supporting and expanding knowledge communities, pushing the state-of-the-art in technology and adapting to change both from a governance and funding point of view.

The GÉANT Expert Group, chaired by Prof. Žiga Turk and composed of six other high-level European experts in different fields of policy, technology and science, was set up in 2010 with the mission to “articulate a 2020 vision for European Research and Education networking and identify an action plan for realizing this vision”.


Cite Datasets and Link to Publications This…

Cite Datasets and Link to Publications :

“This guide will help you create links between your academic publications and the underlying datasets, so that anyone viewing the publication will be able to locate the dataset and vice versa. It provides a working knowledge of the issues and challenges involved, and of how current approaches seek to address them. This guide should interest researchers and principal investigators working on data-led research, as well as the data repositories with which they work.”


Tendances lourdes et tensions pour les filières du document numérique

Sur la base des travaux réalisés dans le cadre de l’ANR Digital 3.0 PRISE, cette communication rend compte du bilan de l’atelier « Culture, médias et numérique », sur les tendances lourdes et les tensions majeures qui transforment actuellement les principales filières du document numérique, document étant entendu ici de façon extensive, à savoir la presse, les livres, l’audiovisuel, la musique (produits des industries culturelles).

Les tendances et tensions identifiées concernent l’organisation économique, les régulations, les usages et les pratiques dominantes.


Open Access to Scientific Information in Croatia Increasing…

Open Access to Scientific Information in Croatia : Increasing Research Impact of a Scientifically Peripheral Country :

“Open Access (OA) to scientific information has become, during the last decade, an important means of communicating in science. The most important fact, proved by numerous studies, is that OA can increase visibility and impact of research results. The first chapter of the book gives an overview of the beginnings of formal scientific communication as an introduction to the further discussion on OA, especially OA in developing and transition countries. In the second chapter, basic definitions of OA and basic OA initiatives are explained as well as the two ways of achieving OA. The third chapter analyses access barriers for scientifically peripheral countries and the ways of removing them. Chapters four and five are completely dedicated to the Open Access in Croatia. Using an example of Croatia, the possibilities of increasing research results of a scientifically peripheral country are explained. Results of the complete study of OA in Croatia are analysed and explained. The study consists of two parts – study of Croatian OA journals and study of Croatian OA repositories. In the first part, the data on editorial policy regarding electronic publishing are gathered by the method of web content analysis. In the sample are all the Croatian scientific journals that had, by the end of June 2010, at least one 2009 issue freely available on the internet. The second part of the study discusses the problem of OA repositories in Croatia and gives an example of such a repository. Recommendations for further development of OA in Croatia are given as a part of the conclusion.”