Assemblée générale extraordinaire des revues diffusées sur : Les revues SHS et l’Open Access

Ouverture de la journée – Contexte et objectifs

Marc Minon, Ouverture de la journée from on Vimeo.

L’Open Access : les origines du mouvement, ses motivations, ses modalités

Gh Chartron.00 from on Vimeo.

Les questions juridiques liées à l’Open Access – Analyse du texte de la recommandation de la Commission Européenne du 17 juillet 2012

Jean Martin, Les questions juridiques liées à l’Open Access from on Vimeo.

La position de la France sur l’Open Access

Michel Marian, La position de la France sur l’Open Access from on Vimeo.

Le modèle auteur-payeur : définition, avantages, difficultés éventuelles de mise en place

Jean-Marc Quilbé, Le modèle auteur-payeur : définition, avantages, difficultés éventuelles de mise en place from on Vimeo.

Freemium, Platinium : les autres modèles de financement des revues

Pierre Mounier, Jean-Christophe Peyssard, Freemium, Platinium : les autres modèles de financement des revues from on Vimeo.

Évaluation des productions scientifiques des innovations en SHS…


Évaluation des productions scientifiques : des innovations en SHS?:

Sommaire :

  • Discours d’inauguration, F Ruggiu
  • L’évaluation de la qualité des publications en économie, C Bosquet [et al.]
  • Témoignage : le cas des revues de psychologie, J Pétard
  • RIBAC : un outil au service des acteurs de la recherche en SHS, M Dassa [et al.]
  • L’évaluation en Sciences Humaines et Sociales : Comment mesurer ce qui compte, MC Maurel
  • Le classement des revues en SHS : nouvelles perspectives européennes., G Mirdal
  • Open Access et évaluation des productions scientifiques dans l’espace européen de la recherche, C Ramjoué
  • Introduction au libre accès dans la recherche, C Kosmopoulos
  • JournalBase, Une étude comparative internationale des bases de données des revues scientifiques en sciences humaines et sociales (SHS), M Dassa [et al.]
  • Les indicateurs de la recherche en SHS, J Dubucs
  • L’évaluation scientifique en SHS : les questions méthodologiques et perspectives de solutions, G Filliatreau
  • Les SHS au prisme de l’évaluation par l’AERES, P Glaude


A Comparison of Open Access in Exercise Science Journals: 2010 to 2012

The aim of this study was to complete an audit on the number of open access journals within the discipline of Exercise Science. Publishing in open access journals results in wide dissemination of material in a very short period of time compared with the more traditional way of publishing in a subscription journal. The 2010 ERA journal list, category Human Movement and Sport Science, was initially utilised and then compared with the openness of the same journals in 2012.

In this study journals were audited for their degree of open access, open licensing and open format. Open access relates to the free online availability of research results and hence research publications and in the discipline of exercise science relates to the concept of an idealised level playing field.

Open licensing relates to the ability of the consumers to replicate and share those publications freely whilst open format relates to the use of open and transferrable format types. Open access increased (p=0.014) as did our measurement of open licensing (p=0.000) and open formats (p=0.021) between the 2010 and 2012 reviews of the journals in 1106 For code.

This study reveals an increase in the number of Exercise Science journals that have full or partial open access over the two year period and suggests that authors are increasingly adopting peer reviewed open access journal publications. It is evident from this study that the impact of open access journals be assessed and further research into the feasibility of such a rating is imperative.


Post-Digital Print : The Mutation of Publishing since 1894


“In this post-digital age, digital technology is no longer a revolutionary phenomenon but a normal part of everyday life. The mutation of music and film into bits and bytes, downloads and streams is now taken for granted. For the world of book and magazine publishing however, this transformation has only just begun.

Still, the vision of this transformation is far from new. For more than a century now, avant-garde artists, activists and technologists have been anticipating the development of networked and electronic publishing. Although in hindsight the reports of the death of paper greatly exaggerated, electronic publishing has now certainly become a reality. How will the analog and the digital coexist in the post-digital age of publishing? How will they transition, mix and cross over?

In this book, Alessandro Ludovico re-reads the history of media technology, cultural activism and the avantgarde arts as a prehistory of cutting through the so-called dichotomy between paper and electronics. Ludovico is the editor and publisher of Neural, a magazine for criticaldigital culture and media arts. For more than twenty years now, he has been working at the cutting edge (and the outer fringes) of both print publishing and politically engaged digital art.”


Alternative URL :,_Alessandro_-_Post-Digital_Print._The_Mutation_of_Publishing_Since_1894.pdf

Interview with Alessandro Ludovico by Janneke Adema :

Open Access, library and publisher competition, and the evolution of general commerce


“Discussions of the economics of scholarly communication are usually devoted to Open Access, rising journal prices, publisher profits, and boycotts. That ignores what seems a much more important development in this market. Publishers, through the oft-reviled “Big Deal” packages, are providing much greater and more egalitarian access to the journal literature, an approximation to true Open Access. In the process they are also marginalizing libraries, and obtaining a greater share of the resources going into scholarly communication. This is enabling a continuation of publisher profits as well as of what for decades has been called “unsustainable journal price escalation.” It is also inhibiting the spread of Open Access, and potentially leading to an oligopoly of publishers controlling distribution through large-scale licensing.

The “Big Deal” practices are worth studying for several general reasons. The degree to which publishers succeed in diminishing the role of libraries may be an indicator of the degree and speed at which universities transform themselves. More importantly, these “Big Deals” appear to point the way to the future of the whole economy, where progress is characterized by declining privacy, increasing price discrimination, increasing opaqueness in pricing, increasing reliance on low-paid or upaid work of others for profits, and business models that depend on customer inertia.”


What Do Journals Do? – Voluntary Public Goods and the Doomsday of Commercial Science Publishing

Commercial (and non-commercial) science publishing has evolved as a solution to a number of problems in the market for research results. It has reduced transaction costs by bringing together authors and readers, which is just the simple advantage of market intermediaries. It has delivered added value to readers by filtering out bad work.

It has added value to authors by delivering signals of high quality work. It has added value by sorting, relieving readers from the necessity to identify relevant work in some field of interest. And it has contributed to the value of published work by delivering guidance from reviewers to authors.

But technological changes already have and will continue to erase the value of these services. These services can be provided in much better quality and at much lower costs via open access science networks like SSRN.

All we need to make this work are some simple technical improvements and a few new but simple modes of peer interaction. My conjecture is that commercial science publishing will not survive for more than a couple of years.