Paid Open Access A Comparative Study of Selected…


Paid Open Access: A Comparative Study of Selected International Publishers :

“Open Access as emerged as a global movement in the academic sphere providing free online access to scholarly literature. Generally author submits a manuscript to the open access journals and after the peer-reviewing and editorial process is over the article is published for free access and download. Some publishers have developed a model in which either the author(s) or their parent organization has to pay the open access fee or article processing charges. This paper aims to provide an insight of selected international publishers who have adopted paid open access model. In the data analysis section the facts have been presented in tables and charts focusing on various aspects of paid open access. At the end of the paper some practical recommendations have been made for sustaining and removing the shortcomings of this model.”


Information research an internatinal electronic journal a bibliometric…


Information research : an internatinal electronic journal : a bibliometric study :

“At present bibliometric study is an interacting research topic in the field of library and information science. Library and information science professionals are doing bibliometric study in various fields for the collection development of different subject in their libraries. This paper examines that the Bibliometric Analysis of the Information Research: an International Electronic Journal (IRIEJ). Which is included the study of form of documents, authorship pattern, ranking of authors, year wise distribution of references and articles, ranking of cited journals, cited publishers and research contributors of IRIEJ.”


La neutralité d’Internet dans les différents pays européens…


La neutralité d’Internet dans les différents pays européens : état des débats et enseignements à en tirer :

“La neutralité du net peut être définie comme le principe selon lequel toutes les informations sont acheminées sans discrimination sur les réseaux. Ce principe, qui correspond au mode de fonctionnement historique de l’internet, a été remis en cause, sous l’influence notamment de l’accroissement du trafic et du développement des usages – légaux et illégaux -, qui ont conduit certains opérateurs mais aussi certains propriétaires de droits d’auteurs à défendre des pratiques allant contre la neutralité. Dans le prolongement d’un rapport de la mission d’information de l’Assemblée nationale publié en 2011, le ministre chargé de l’industrie, de l’énergie et de l’économie numérique a chargée Mme Laure de La Raudière, députée d’Eure-et-Loir, de dresser un panorama de l’état des débats sur la neutralité du net en Europe, l’objectif étant d’évaluer, dans la perspective d’une éventuelle intervention publique, les enseignements à tirer de la transposition des dispositions du troisième paquet télécoms et des expériences complémentaires faites dans les autres pays européens.”


A step by step approach for science communication…


A step-by-step approach for science communication practitioners: a design perspective :

“Science communication processes are complex and uncertain. Designing and managing these processes using a step-by-step approach, allows those with science communication responsibility to manoeuvre between moral or normative issues, practical experiences, empirical data and theoretical foundations. The tool described in this study is an evidence-based questionnaire, tested in practice for feasibility. The key element of this decision aid is a challenge to the science communication practitioners to reflect on their attitudes, knowledge, reasoning and decision-making in a step-by-step manner to question the aim, function and impact of each issue and attendant communication process or strategy. This approach eventually leads to more professional science communication processes by systematic design. The Design-Based Research (DBR) derived from science education and applied in this study, may form a new methodology for further exploration of the gap between theory and practice in science communication and. Practitioners, scholars, and researchers all participate actively in DBR.”


Science as an open enterprise The Science…


Science as an open enterprise :

“The Science as an open enterprise report highlights the need to grapple with the huge deluge of data created by modern technologies in order to preserve the principle of openness and to exploit data in ways that have the potential to create a second open science revolution.
Exploring massive amounts of data using modern digital technologies has enormous potential for science and its application in public policy and business. The report maps out the changes that are required by scientists, their institutions and those that fund and support science if this potential is to be realised.”


Promotion of research articles to the lay press…


Promotion of research articles to the lay press: a summary of a three-year project :

“The promotion of scholarly journal articles to journalists and bloggers via the dissemination of press releases generates a positive impact on the number of citations that publicized journal articles receive. Research by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. shows that article-level publicity efforts and media coverage boosts downloads by an average of 1.8 times and were found to increase citations by as much as 2.0-2.2 times in the articles analyzed in this study. We evaluated scholarly journal articles published in nearly 100 Wiley journals, which were also covered in 296 press releases. The results in this case study suggest a need for greater investment in media support for scholarly journals publishing research that sparks interest to a broad news audience, as it could increase citations.”


Open Access Key a new system for managing…


Open Access Key: a new system for managing author publication payments :

“With the establishment of the ‘author pays’ scholarly publishing model and the increasing trend for open access mandates from research funders, have infrastructure and resources developed sufficiently to support the additional financial and time pressures that participants now face? Individual researchers, their universities and research funders, and the publishers themselves, all have a part to play in processing and managing individual fees. It appears there is a need from all participants in the industry to make provision to encompass the administration of the publication charges required by many open access publishers. Open Access Key (OAK) is a new global company with an innovative and cost-effective solution which could provide value to all parties involved in these transactions.”