Is Open Access to Information Through Li…

Is Open Access to Information Through Libraries on the Agenda at the African Union When It Comes to Assessing Countries’ Development under the African Peer Review Mechanisms? :
“Is the issue of Open Access to information through libraries part of business for the African Union (AU) when it comes to assessing countries’ performance under the African Peer Review Mechanisms (APRM)? Whereas the scope of this review is limited as on record it focuses on three areas, namely politics, economics and good governance, in fact individual countries are free to incorporate relevant cross-cutting issues, such as HIV/AIDS, gender, or information access. The paper indicates that although technically speaking the matter of Open Access might in some regions be more of a librarians’ preoccupation, they should not remain indifferent but rather seize the opportunity to influence others, such as researchers and political leaders, on the relevance of Open Access in the business of the APRM. A brief is given on the prevailing situation in Africa, as well as relevant factors to be addressed, as positively and/or negatively affecting how Open Access becomes part of the APRM