Impact of publisher’s commercial or non-profit orientation on editorial practices: Moving towards a more strategic approach to supporting editorial staff

Author : Katarina Krapež

This study was guided by previous research highlighting the significance of journal publishers’ commercial or non-profit orientations in shaping academic editors’ perspectives regarding the necessity of enhancing editorial and business practices. There is limited understanding of how the editor–publisher relationship varies based on publishers’ commercial orientation.

This study revealed five key factors influencing editors’ attitudes towards how publishers strive to provide high-quality publications: (i) availability of high-quality publication services; (ii) sufficient technological support and access to visibility-related data; (iii) accessible marketing and indexing services; (iv) access to continuous education for the editorial team; and (v) a balance between editorial autonomy and publisher support in managing the journal.

The study indicated that editors partnering with commercial publishers tended to receive more extensive and advanced services, better technological support, and more training opportunities, contributing to the production of superior end products.

However, working with commercial publishers resulted in the trade-off of less editorial independence, which sometimes compromised editors’ decision-making ability and made them feel uncertain about their further involvement. The study’s findings highlighted the importance of publishers adopting a more strategic approach to support their editorial staff, while considering the unique needs of each journal.

URL : Impact of publisher’s commercial or non-profit orientation on editorial practices: Moving towards a more strategic approach to supporting editorial staff