Growing Institutional Support for Data Citation Results of…

Growing Institutional Support for Data Citation : Results of a Partnership Between Griffith University and the Australian National Data Service :

“Data is increasingly recognised as a valuable product of research and a number of international initiatives are underway to ensure it is better managed, connected, published, discovered, cited and reused. Within this context, data citation is an emergent practice rather than a norm of scholarly attribution. In 2012, a data citation project at Griffith University funded by the Australian National Data Service (ANDS) commenced that aimed to: enhance existing infrastructure for data citation at the University; test methodologies for tracking impact; and provide targeted outreach to researchers about the benefits of data citation. The project extended previous collaboration between Griffith and ANDS that built infrastructure at the University to assign DOI names (Digital Object Identifiers) to research data produced by Griffith’s researchers. This article reports on the findings of the project and provides a case study of what can be achieved at the institutional level to support data citation.”