OAI services in Academicians Looking Forward The…

OAI services in Academicians: Looking Forward :

“The main focus of this paper is to look the forward of Open Access Initiative (OAI) in academicians Were to be tried and perhaps implemented on a global academicians it must made known to the local audience first. This can only be achieved if the OAI services in academicians services such as ‘Information Society’. In the case of the OAI services in academicians used in the study; it has benefits directly or indirectly and eventually become more accepted.”

URL : http://eprints.rclis.org/handle/10760/16166

Science, Open Communication and Sustaina…

Science, Open Communication and Sustainable Development :
“One of the prerequisites for sustainable development is knowledge, in order to inform coping with sustainability threats and to support innovative sustainability pathways. Transferring knowledge is therefore a fundamental challenge for sustainability, in a context where external knowledge must be integrated with local knowledge in order to promote user-driven action. But effective local co-production of knowledge requires ongoing local access to existing scientific and technical knowledge so that users start on a level playing field. The information technology revolution can be a powerful enabler of such access if intellectual property obstacles can be overcome, with a potential to transform prospects for sustainability in many parts of the world.”
URL : http://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/2/4/993/

How to achieve best services to students, through information literacy for an academic libraries

“This paper presents the role of Information Literacy in the Academic Libraries. The most moportant role of the academic libraries and librarians is to educate the users or students in academic environment for effective use of information either through print texts or electronic text via internet.Librarians are the initiateors,policy makers and decision makers in the development and making effective use by readers or students by introducing information literacy curriculum.The librarian can develop their information literacy programme and prepare .Laboratory Manuals accouring the their needs and nature of the libraries.”
URL : http://eprints.rclis.org/18037/