Where do bloggers blog Platform transitions within the…

Where do bloggers blog? Platform transitions within the historical Dutch blogosphere :

“The blogosphere has played an instrumental role in the transition and the evolution of linking technologies and practices. This research traces and maps historical changes in the Dutch blogosphere and the interconnections between blogs, which — traditionally considered — turn a set of blogs into a blogosphere. This paper will discuss the definition of the blogosphere by asking who the actors are which make up the blogosphere through its interconnections. This research aims to repurpose the Wayback Machine so as to trace and map transitions in linking technologies and practices in the blogosphere over time by means of digital methods and custom software. We are then able to create yearly network visualizations of the historical Dutch blogosphere (1999–2009). This approach allows us to study the emergence and decline of blog platforms and social media platforms within the blogosphere and it also allows us to investigate local blog cultures.”

URL : http://firstmonday.org/htbin/cgiwrap/bin/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/3775/3142

La circulation de l’information au sein de la…

La circulation de l’information au sein de la blogosphère: le cas des blogs en information-documentation :

“Cette communication présente les premiers résultats d’une analyse de la circulation de l’information au sein d’un espace constitué par les blogs français en information-documentation. Cette blogosphère est envisagée comme un dispositif info-communicationnel créé par et pour un public d’experts. L’objectif de l’étude est de comprendre les modalités selon lesquelles l’information y circule. L’analyse des billets postés sur douze blogs a permis de décrire les productions de chaque blogueur et de comprendre les réactions qu’elles suscitent auprès des différents acteurs de ce dispositif.

This paper presents the first findings of a study exploring the French blogosphere in Library and Information Science. A panel of 12 blogs is considered both as an editorial and a communicational tool designed by and for a specific public of specialized librarians and LIS scholars. The goal of the study is to understand how information is disseminated within it. Analyzing the posts makes possible to understand the blogging behavior and the role of this blogosphere on the different actors and stakeholders involved.”

URL : http://archivesic.ccsd.cnrs.fr/sic_00629903/fr/