PEER Behavioural Research Authors and Users vis à…

PEER Behavioural Research: Authors and Users vis-à-vis Journals and Repositories (final report) :

“The Behavioural research project is one of three independent research projects commissioned and managed by PEER as part of the PEER Observatory. The aim of the Behavioural research
project was to address the role of stage-two manuscript repositories in the scholarly and scientific communication system by exploring perceptions, motivations and behaviours of authors and readers. The research was carried out between April 2009 and August 2011 by the Department of Information Science and LISU at Loughborough University, UK.”


Open Data, Open Society. A research project about openness of public data in EU local administration

This report discusses the current and potential role, in a truly open society, of raw Public Sector Information (PSI) that is really open, that is fully accessible and reusable by everybody. The general characteristics of PSI and the conclusions are based on previous studies and on the analysis of
current examples both from the European Union and the rest of the world.

Generation, management and usage of data constituting what is normally called PSI is a very large topic. This report only focuses on some parts of it. First of all, we only look here at really “public” PSI, that is information (from maps to aggregate health data) that is not tied to any single individual and whose publication, therefore, raises no privacy issues.

It is also important to distinguish between actual raw data (basic elements of information like numbers, names, dates, single geographical features like the shape of a lake, addresses…), their results (more or less complex documents, policies, laws…) and the procedures and chains of command followed to generate and use such results, that is to vote or, inside Public Administrations, to take or implement decisions.

So far, discussion and research on Open Data at national level has had relatively more coverage, even if much of the PSI that has the most direct impact on the life of most citizens is the one that is generated, managed and used by local, not central, administrations and end users (citizens, businesses or other organizations). Creation of wealth and jobs can be easier, faster and cheaper to stimulate, especially in times of economic crisis, at the local level. Finally, open access to public data is much more necessary for small businesses that for big corporations, since the latter can afford to pay for access to data anyway (and high prices of data may also protect them from competition from smaller companies).

For all these reasons, the main focus of this report will be on the raw data that constitute “public” PSI as defined above. This is the reason why in this report the terms “raw data” and “PSI” are practically interchangeable. We will also focus on the local dimension of Open PSI, that is raw data
directly produced by, or directly relevant for, local communities (City and Regions), and on their
direct impact on local government and local economy.

Chapters 2 and 3 summarize the importance of data in the modern society and some recent developments on the Open Data front in Europe. Chapter 4 explains why raw PSI should be open, while Chapter 5 shows the potential of such data with a few real world examples from several (mostly EU) countries. Chapter 6 looks at some dangers that should not be ignored when promoting Open Data and Chapter 7 proposes some general practices to follow for getting the most out of them. Some conclusions and the next phases of the project are in Chapter 8.


La déclinaison du droit d’auteur en Euro…

La déclinaison du droit d’auteur en Europe :

“Malgré les vifs débats qui ont eu lieu au cours de cette dernière décennie autour du droit d’auteur européen et de son uniformisation, les acteurs de l’édition ignorent souvent les législations et pratiques contractuelles des autres pays de l’Union. Cette méconnaissance rendait plus que nécessaire une étude que le MOTif a confiée à Laure Pécher et Pierre Astier de l’Agence littéraire Pierre Astier et associés.
Force est de constater que les régimes de droits d’auteur (dispositions législatives et usages) qui organisent la relation entre auteurs et éditeurs varient d’un pays à l’autre.
L’objet de l’étude s’inscrit dans une perspective informative, elle est limité à l’édition de littérature générale et examine les usages dans trois pays européens (Grande-Bretagne, Espagne, Allemagne) outre la France. Le choix s’est porté sur des pays qui offrent des points de comparaison intéressants avec la France.
Parmi les enseignements de l’étude, on note la faible représentation des syndicats et organisations d’auteurs tous pays confondus et les répercusionns néfastes tant pour les auteurs que pour les éditeurs de l’abrogation de la loi sur le prix unique du livre en Grande-Bretagne. S’agissant de la durée de la cession de droits, l’Espagne se singularise avec une durée maximale limitée à 15 ans alors qu’ailleurs elle correspond généralement à la durée de la propriété intellectuelle. Plus que l’opposition entre copyright et droit d’auteur, c’est le refus du législateur britannique d’intervenir dans les relations contractuelles entre auteur et éditeur comme dans toute relation contractuelle d’ailleurs qui éloigne fondamentalement le modèle continental du modèle britannique. S’il est encore tôt pour dresser un tableau des droits numériques, l’étude présente toutefois les débats en cours et établit les premiers constats.”


PEER : Annual Report – Year 2

PEER (Publishing and the Ecology of European Research), supported by the EC eContentplus programme, is investigating the potential effects of the large-scale, systematic depositing of authors’ final peer-reviewed manuscripts (so called Green Open Access or stage-two research output) on reader access, author visibility, and journal viability, as well as on the broader ecology of European research.

The project has recently been granted a nine month extension and will now run until May 2012.


The project NECOBELAC : “NECOBELAC stan…

The project NECOBELAC :
“NECOBELAC stands for NEtwork of COllaboration Between Europe and Latin American Caribbean (LAC) countries. This network is intended to spread know-how in:
• scientific writing
• open access publishing among all the stakeholders in scientific communication for the safeguarding of public health.
NECOBELAC aims to foster scientific and technical cooperation between Europe and LAC countries.

The project benefits from European and LAC experiences and take into account different socio-cultural scenarios. The health information needs of the areas involved contribute to stress the importance of creating awareness on document and data diffusion at different levels.

A network of institutions is being creating to collaborate in ad hoc training programmes in information production and dissemination, including technical and ethical issues. NECOBELAC promotes the coordination and effectiveness of the existing health-related information infrastructures in Europe and LAC countries to achieve a wider scale uptake of community engagement, embedding the use of open access methods within accepted working practices.”

The publications of the project :

This project is not new (it started in 2009), but I just discovered it

OpenAIRE Guidelines 1.0: Guidelines for …

OpenAIRE Guidelines 1.0: Guidelines for content providers of the OpenAIRE information space (July 2010) are released :
“The OpenAIRE Guidelines 1.0 will provide orientation for repository managers to define and implement their local data management policies in compliance with the Open Access demands of the European Commission. Furthermore they will comply with the technical requirements of the OpenAIRE infrastructure that is being established to support and monitor the implementation of the FP7 OA pilot.1
By implementing these Guidelines repository managers are facilitating the authors who deposit their publications in the repository, in complying with the EC Open Access requirements.
For developers of repository platforms the Guidelines provide guidance to add supportive functionalities for authors of EC funded research in future versions.”