Pour une plus grande visibilité des travaux des chercheurs : l’exemple de l’archive ouverte PhysiologieAnimale http://phy043.tours.inra.fr:8080/

Auteur/Author : Hélène Bosc

Le chef de département de Physiologie Animale de l’Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) a signé en février 2002, l’Initiative de Budapest (BOAI). En signant il s’est engagé à promouvoir le libre accès par la voie verte (auto-archivage) et par la voie d’or (publications en libre accès).

En tant que bibliothécaire-documentaliste travaillant dans ce département, j’ai donc pu mettre en place l’Archive PhysiologieAnimale car l’investissement financier a été quasiment nul.

Nous avons récupéré une vieille machine (SUN /Unix) et notre informaticien a installé le logiciel open source EPrints http://www.eprints.org/. Notre serveur de dépôt de documents a été créé en avril 2002.

Il est expliqué dans ce texte comment nous l’avons rempli. Les politiques des éditeurs, d’après le registre ROMEO en 2003-2004 et la politique d’Elsevier, avant que cet éditeur ne devienne totalement « vert » en juin 2004, y sont mentionnées.

URL : http://archivesic.ccsd.cnrs.fr/sic_00497213/fr/

EUROVOC thésaurus : Eurovoc est un thésa…

EUROVOC thésaurus :
Eurovoc est un thésaurus multilingue couvrant tous les domaines de l’activité de l’Union européenne, il permet d’indexer les documents dans les systèmes documentaires des institutions européennes et de leurs utilisateurs. Ce produit documentaire est actuellement utilisé par le Parlement européen, l’Office des publications des Communautés européennes, les parlements nationaux et régionaux en Europe, des administrations nationales et par certaines organisations européennes.
URL : http://europa.eu/eurovoc/sg/sga_doc/eurovoc_dif!SERVEUR/menu!prod!MENU?langue=FR

Building a Sustainable Framework for Ope…

Building a Sustainable Framework for Open Access to Research Data Through Information and Communication Technologies :
The growth in information and communication technology (ICT) has brought about increased pace in information and knowledge exchange. This increased pace is being fuelled in large part by the open exchange of information. The pressure for open access to research data is gaining momentum in virtually every field of human endeavour. Data is the life blood of science and quite unsurprisingly data repositories are rapidly becoming an essential component of the infrastructure of the global science system. Improved
access to data will transform the way research is conducted. It will create new opportunities and avenues for improved efficiency in dealing with social, economic and scientific challenges facing humanity. […]
Despite the admitted benefits of open access to research data, the concept is still bugged by series of factors both legal and ethical which must be resolved in other to derive the maximum benefit arising from open access to data. This resolution will require the development of a sustainable framework to facilitate access to and use of research data by researchers, academics institutions, private individuals and other users. […]

URL : http://idl-bnc.idrc.ca/dspace/bitstream/10625/41336/1/129183.pdf

Understanding Open Access in the Academi…

Understanding Open Access in the Academic Environment: A Guide for Authors :
The OAK Law Project aims to facilitate seamless access to knowledge and improve social, economic and cultural outcomes. This guide aims to provide practical guidance for academic authors interested in making their work more openly accessible to readers and other researchers. The guide provides authors with an overview of the concept of and rationale for open access to research outputs and how they may be involved in its implementation and with what effect. In doing so it considers the central role of copyright law and publishing agreements in structuring an open access framework as well as the increasing involvement of funders and academic institutions. The guide also explains different methods available to authors for making their outputs openly accessible, such as publishing in an open access journal or depositing work into an open access repository. Importantly, the guide addresses how open access goals can affect an author’s relationship with their commercial publisher and provides guidance on how to negotiate a proper allocation of copyright interests between an author and publisher. A Copyright Toolkit is provided to further assist authors in managing their copyright.
URL : http://eprints.qut.edu.au/14200/

Lessons learned in storing theses and as…

Lessons learned in storing theses and associated materials as compound objects :
In the eTheses project theses were enhanced by adding documents containing data, images, audio, video or even simulations. These documents were not stored separately but connected to the theses itself as a compound object. Experiments were done in storing these compound objects in a Fedora and DSpace respository system.
The project delivered a generic representation of an Enhanced e-thesis using concepts based on the OAI-ORE abstract model. Trying out this new technology several valuable insights were attained: the repository software Fedora is quite suited to the task, but does require some further work to ingest resource maps. Also clients are required to view the compound object. In the case of DSpace the majority of the features required were not supported in the version in use (1.5). From the legal perspective compound e‐theses need to take account of the rights governing the constituent parts and cannot be treated only as an entity in their own right. Searching tools are required to not only show the found objects separately but also in relation to the compound object as a whole.

URL : http://www.knowledge-exchange.info/Default.aspx?ID=62&M=News&NewsID=94

Impact of Open Access on stem cell research: An author co-citation analysis

We explore the impact of Open Access (OA) on stem cell research through a comparison of research reported in OA and in non-OA publications. Using an author co-citation analysis method, we find that (a) OA and non-OA publications cover similar major research areas in the stem cell field, but (b) a more diverse range of basic and medical research is reported in OA publications, while (c) biomedical technology areas appear biased towards non-OA publications.

It appears that OA helps maintain diversity of research in this highly interdisciplinary field, and hence contributes to a healthy balance of scientific advancement.
URL : http://conference.ifla.org/past-wlic/2010/155-strotmann-en.pdf


This document is a code of best practices that helps U.S. communication scholars to interpret the copyright doctrine of fair use. Fair use is the right to use copyrighted material without permission or payment under some circumstances—especially when the cultural or social benefits of the use are predominant. It is a general right that applies even in situations where the law provides no specific authorization for the use in question.
This guide identifies four situations that represent the current consensus within the
community of communication scholars about acceptable practices for the fair use of
copyrighted materials.

URL : http://www.centerforsocialmedia.org/sites/default/files/PRINTABLE_ICA_CODE.pdf