The impact of open access journals on library and information scientists’ research in Taiwan

“As some library and information science (LIS) journals in Taiwan are open access, the aim of the study is to investigate what, if any, impact open access journals have on library and information science scholars‘ research in Taiwan. Therefore, the objectives of the study is to explore the scholarly productivity of LIS scholars in Taiwan, to find out what articles they publish and OA articles as a percentage of all titles, and to calculate the mean citation rate of open access articles and articles not freely available online. A bibliometric method was used in the study. To determine whether a difference in research impact existed, two research impact indicators were used, that is, open access articles as a percentage of all published titles and mean citation rate of open access articles and those not freely available online. Data on published articles with citation counts by the LIS scholars in Taiwan from 2000 to 2009 was collected from the ACI Database and Social Science Citation Index Database. The study shows that for 72 LIS scholars who were subjects of the investigation, 64 of them had published 745 articles within the previous ten years: 679 articles in Chinese and 66 articles in English; 499 of these were OA articles, and 264 were non-OA articles; OA articles constituted 66.98% of the total number of academic articles. The mean citation rate of OA versus non-OA article citation was 1.29.Analysis of impact indicators shows that open access journals have an impact on the research of LIS scholars in Taiwan, in particular, LIS OA journals have more research impact in Chinese than those in English.”


Etat de la publication en Open Access dans les disciplines scientifiques présentes à l’Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

Ce mémoire, réalisé sous mandat de la bibliothèque de l’Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), fait état de la publication en Open Access aujourd’hui. Il couvre ainsi les disciplines scientifiques présentes dans l’institution, plus particulièrement les Sciences, Techniques et Médecine (STM).

Bien que ce travail porte principalement sur la publication dans les revues en Open Access (« gold path »), il aborde aussi l’archivage ouvert (« green path»). La partie théorique de ce mémoire dresse un panorama actuel de l’Open Access. Elle détermine les principaux modes d’Open Access existants via une typologie et définit les différents modèles économiques existants.

Ce travail s’intéresse aussi à la question de l’évaluation des articles scientifiques, des droits en vigueur dans ce domaine, ainsi que l’usage d’outils statistiques pour la qualification des revues. L’importance de l’Open Access est démontrée, en tenant compte des particularités, propres aux grandes disciplines scientifiques.

Le point de vue des chercheurs sur la question du libre accès est présenté, suivi d’une réflexion autour de projets de financements institutionnels. Enfin, d’éventuelles perspectives de développements futurs sont élaborées.

La partie pratique présente, quant à elle, les résultats d’une enquête, menée entre février et juin 2011 sur le campus. Elle repose sur une analyse quantitative des références d’articles scientifiques publiés, présentes dans Infoscience, l’archive ouverte de l’institution. Une mesure de l’importance de la publication en Open Access à l’EPFL, entre 2008 et 2010, a ainsi été effectuée.

En parallèle, une analyse qualitative, menée sous la forme d’entretiens individuels, a permis de prendre connaissance des attentes et des besoins de certains chercheurs sur ce sujet. Les résultats obtenus renseignent aussi de manière significative sur leurs pratiques et leurs préoccupations, qui varient sensiblement selon leurs habitudes et leurs expériences.

Ce mémoire a donc pour but de faire une synthèse de ces différents éléments et ainsi, de déterminer les enjeux actuels de l’Open Access, que ce soit à l’EPFL ou dans n’importe quel autre contexte institutionnel, côtoyant la publication scientifique.


Open access institutional repositories for scholarly communication: A developing country perspective

Scholarly communication is the creation, transformation, dissemination and preservation of knowledge related to teaching, research and scholarly endeavours. Nowadays, Open Access Repositories (OARs) and Open Access (OA) has become the emerging ways to share research output, academic result and disseminating information to the academic community for better usability and visibility.

The purpose of this present study is to discuss the role of OAIR (Open Access Institutional Repository) in scholarly communication and focused how does developing country like Bangladesh may be benefited through this system.

The major focus of the present study is to familiar with different initiatives of building OAIR and Open Access (OA) in Bangladesh. In pursuing the above objectives, the present research posed the following research questions (RQs) that will guide the study as well. How OAIR can be used as an effective tool for scholarly communication?

What is the present status of the OAIR and OA initiatives in Bangladesh and what are the prospects of OAIR in Bangladesh? An analysis of the appropriate literature was carried out, focusing on papers explicitly referring to changing roles of OAIR. The study performed online searches and substantial amount of literature has been reviewed. Literature collected through internet, personal visits, and secondary sources of information has been analyzed.

Findings reveal that OAIR is very important for the scholarly communication and Bangladesh is not far behind to get the fullest advantages of the OAIR. It is suggested some directions for building OAIR and OA initiatives in Bangladesh.

It is believed that faculty and research scholars will be able to publish their research output in the proposed IR to visible their scholarly research output globally. This study no doubt will foster more research on OAIR for the improvement of Open Access scenarios in Bangladesh.


La circulation de l’information au sein de la…

La circulation de l’information au sein de la blogosphère: le cas des blogs en information-documentation :

“Cette communication présente les premiers résultats d’une analyse de la circulation de l’information au sein d’un espace constitué par les blogs français en information-documentation. Cette blogosphère est envisagée comme un dispositif info-communicationnel créé par et pour un public d’experts. L’objectif de l’étude est de comprendre les modalités selon lesquelles l’information y circule. L’analyse des billets postés sur douze blogs a permis de décrire les productions de chaque blogueur et de comprendre les réactions qu’elles suscitent auprès des différents acteurs de ce dispositif.

This paper presents the first findings of a study exploring the French blogosphere in Library and Information Science. A panel of 12 blogs is considered both as an editorial and a communicational tool designed by and for a specific public of specialized librarians and LIS scholars. The goal of the study is to understand how information is disseminated within it. Analyzing the posts makes possible to understand the blogging behavior and the role of this blogosphere on the different actors and stakeholders involved.”


Web Presence of Selected Asian Countries A Webometric…

Web Presence of Selected Asian Countries: A Webometric Study :

“The paper focuses on the Web presence and visibility of websites of Asian countries. The paper tries to highlight the Web presence using some webometric indicators like Internet access, webpages, number of Internet users, and link counts. The study analyzes the web presence using popular search engines like Altavista, Google, Yahoo and MSN. An attempt has also been made to find out the Web Impact Factor (WIF) for selected Asian countries. The result shows that China (43.7%), Japan (16.2%) and India (10.4%) occupy highest web presence amongst Asian countries based on the total number of effective Internet users. China being the second highest number of Internet users having 11.8% after USA (19.7%) followed by India with 4.9% of world Internet Users and Japan is having the highest number of webpages followed by China and South Korea.”


An Institutional Approach to Developing Research Data Management Infrastructure

This article outlines the work that the University of Oxford is undertaking to implement a coordinated data management infrastructure. The rationale for the approach being taken by Oxford is presented, with particular attention paid to the role of each service division. This is followed by a consideration of the relative advantages and disadvantages of institutional data repositories, as opposed to national or international data centres. The article then focuses on two ongoing JISC-funded projects, ‘Embedding Institutional Data Curation Services in Research’ (Eidcsr) and ‘Supporting Data Management Infrastructure for the Humanities’ (Sudamih).

Both projects are intra-institutional collaborations and involve working with researchers to develop particular aspects of infrastructure, including: University policy, systems for the preservation and documentation of research data, training and support, software tools for the visualisation of large images, and creating and sharing databases via the Web (Database as a Service).


Citation and Peer Review of Data Moving Towards…

Citation and Peer Review of Data: Moving Towards Formal Data Publication

“This paper discusses many of the issues associated with formally publishing data in academia, focusing primarily on the structures that need to be put in place for peer review and formal citation of datasets. Data publication is becoming increasingly important to the scientific community, as it will provide a mechanism for those who create data to receive academic credit for their work and will allow the conclusions arising from an analysis to be more readily verifiable, thus promoting transparency in the scientific process. Peer review of data will also provide a mechanism for ensuring the quality of datasets, and we provide suggestions on the types of activities one expects to see in the peer review of data. A simple taxonomy of data publication methodologies is presented and evaluated, and the paper concludes with a discussion of dataset granularity, transience and semantics, along with a recommended human-readable citation syntax.”