Collaboratories: Connecting Researchers …

Collaboratories: Connecting Researchers How to facilitate choice, design and uptake of online research collaborations
This report aims to assist the research community, including support staff, in the choice, design
and uptake of online collaboratories. It was commissioned jointly by SURFfoundation and SURFnet.
SURFfoundation wanted an instrument to assist and advise researchers in their search for and
choice of an online collaborative environment as an outcome of the SURFshare programme;
SURFnet wanted input for its Collaboration Infrastructure (COIN) project. This two-pronged
approach to the study has made it a wide-ranging one. It covers the spectrum from technical detail
and functional aspects to organisational, managerial and cultural issues involved in setting up


Freedom for scholarship in the internet …

Freedom for scholarship in the internet age :
Discusses the purpose of scholarship, the potential of the internet to further the purposes of scholarship, and the role of librarians in transformative change in scholarly communication. Addresses the rapidly growing volume of information, and discusses three approaches to coping; writing less and collaborating are recommended. Talks about the work of librarians in scholarly communication as the basis for opening up conversation on broader change. Presents evidence that a fully open access scholarly journal publishing system would be possible at much lower cost than libraries are currently paying.

EUNIS Research Workshop : Research Infor…

EUNIS Research Workshop : Research Information Systems as a core driver for the European Research Area :
Trends and insight of Research Information Systems for Higher Education Institutions in Europe. Collaboration opportunities to improve research information availability and sharing, towards the development of an European Research Area.

Overview of Open Access Models for eBook…

Overview of Open Access Models for eBooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences :
A new survey of Open Access book publishing confirms a wide variety of approaches, as well as a continuing search for the optimal publishing- and business models. While Open Access is still in an experimental phase of trying out new models, and tracking the readers’ online and offline preferences to gauge the best way forward, some trends and patterns have started to emerge.
URL de l’étude :